Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Rules of the Association


July 14, 2013

This Association, which is formed by volunteers, is a bilingual, sociocultural, and non-profit organization.


General information

1.1   Registered name
The official name of the association is: Association  Grand Lac Rond (Lac Roddick), as stipulated in the Letters Patent of May 19, 2005 of the Registraire des entreprises du Québec.

1.2   Objectives
The purpose of the Association is to protect the interests and well-being of its members, to encourage shoreline residents to adopt ways and means to ensure the protection of the environment and the water quality of the lake, and to establish and maintain contacts with various municipal and government authorities.

 The means to achieve these goals are:
(1)   to educate residents about their rights, obligations and responsibilities;
(2)   to be the spokesperson of the majority of the members with the authorities;
(3)   to promote healthy customs or lifestyles which are respectful of the natural environment;
(4)   to promote hunting and fishing regulations, as well as boating safety rules;
(5)   to encourage fishing by stocking fish;
(6)   to organize annual subscription campaigns in order to raise funds to cover operating expenses.

1.3   Juridiction
The Association is formed of the property owners and their immediate family who reside either on a permanent or seasonal basis on Grand Lac Rond and who have paid their membership fees as stiplulated in Rule 2.2. 

1.4   Fiscal year
The fiscal year ends on June 30 of each year.


Member, membership fees

2.1   Member
A member is a person who meets the requirements of Rule 1.3 and who has paid their membership fee as stipulated in Rule 2.2.

2.2   Membership fees
To ensure the proper functioning of the Association, the annual membership fee is set by the Board of Directors at least 60 days before the beginning of the next financial year.
Once paid, the fee is not reimbursable.


The Annual General Assembly

3.1   Annual General Assembly
     a)      An Annual General Assembly is held within 60 days following the beginning of the fiscal year to elect a new Board of Directors and to discuss achievements, projects and activities of the Association.

     b)      A notice convening the Annual General Assembly shall be communicated by the President, stating the date, time and place of the meeting at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the meeting.

     c)      An Agenda is prepared by the President and distributed with the notice convening the meeting.

     d)     To prevent the meeting from lasting too long, the Agenda should specify the time allocated for each item. At the discretion of the President, the time may be extended and the number of interveners established.

     e)      If a member wishes to add an item to the Agenda for discussion and / or a vote, the member should notify the President of such an item at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the Assembly. Otherwise, the item will be discussed under 'Varia' for a maximum of ten minutes, but without being subject to a vote.

      f)       The quorum consists of twenty (20) members in good standing.

3.2   Powers and functions of the Annual General Assembly
The Assembly shall
(1)   elect the members of the Board of Directors according to the procedure defined in Rules 4.4 to 4.6;
(2)   suggest some projects to the Board, if it sees fit;
(3)   suggest changes to the Rules of the Association;
(4)   approve by resolution the annual report of the Treasurer;
(5)   discuss matters raised by members before or during the annual meeting.

3.3   Decisions of the General Assembly
a)      All resolutions or proposals submitted to the General Assembly are open to discussion. After the discussion, the President calls for a vote.
b)      Only members in good standing are entitled to vote (one vote per membership). Proxy votes are not valid.
c)      The President declares a resolution or proposal either adopted or rejected by the results of a show-of-hands vote by members.
d)     Immediately after the President declares the adoption or rejection of a resolution or a proposal by a show-of-hand vote, ten (10) members may request a secret ballot of all the members present. A secret ballot is conducted by the President who can deliver a casting vote in the case of an equality of votes under Rule 4.8.


Management of the Association

4.1   Board of Directors
The management of the Association is administered by the Board of Directors formed by up to seven (7) members who may vote. The quorum is a majority of the members.

4.2   Meetings of the Board of Directors
The Board shall meet at least two (2) times per year. The meetings may take place on the internet or by conference call.

4.3   Powers and functions of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors
      (1)   fulfills the mandates entrusted to it by the General Assembly and submits a report;
      (2)   ensures the proper administration of the Association and carries out on its behalf all the powers granted by these Rules;
      (3)   prepares and submits a summary of revenues and expenditures for the last financial year;
      (4)   forms committees, defines their mandates, approves their composition and assigns responsibilities after consultation with stakeholders;
      (5)   accepts membership applications and receives resignations;
      (6)   proposes, if appropriate, rules to govern the administration of the affairs of the Association;
      (7)   proposes the adoption, amendment or repeal of these Rules;
      (8)   approves by resolution the expenses of members of the Board of Directors or its committees.

Election of the members of the Board of Directors and the length of mandates

4.4   Election
a)      The members of the Board of Directors are elected at the Annual General Assembly.
b)      If the outgoing President does not seek re-election, he or she may act as Presiding Officer for the Elections.
c)      If the outgoing President seeks re-election, he or she asks the Assembly to choose a Presiding Officer for the Elections.
d)     The Presiding Officer for the Elections shall request and note the nominations for the seven (7) positions on the Board of Directors. He or she then verifies whether the candidates proposed agree to present themselves. If there are more than seven (7) candidates, the Presiding Officer for the Elections proceeds to hold a secret vote.

4.5   Length of mandates
The members of the Board of Directors are elected for a mandate of one (1) year, effective at the end of the General Assembly.

4.6   Re-election
The members of the Board of Directors may be re-elected at the expiration of their mandates.

4.7   Vacancy/Resignation
The positions left vacant on the Board of Directors, or one of its committees, may be filled by the Board until the expiry of its mandate.
After three (3) consecutive absences without reason from convened meetings of the Board, a member of the Board is removed from office.

4.8   Functions of the members of the Board of Directors
Following the Annual General Assembly, the duly elected Board of Directors chooses a President and a Treasurer from among its members.

The President is:
(1)        responsible for the oversight of the administration;
(2)        chairs the General Assemblies and Board of Director meetings;
(3)        signs any document that is the responsibility of the Association;
(4)        exercises a casting vote in case of an equality of votes at General Assemblies or meetings of the Board of Directors;
(5)        prepares the agenda and convenes the members at meetings of the Board;
(6)        decides procedural matters at the General Assembly;
(7)        ensures that decisions taken at meetings of the Board and the Annual General Assembly are implemented;
(8)        sends the notice of the Annual General Assembly to all members at least twenty-one (21) days before the date of the Assembly;
(9)        prepares and sends correspondence;
(10)    signs cheques issued in the name of the Association with the Treasurer.

Past President
The Past President is an honourary member of the Board of Directors for one year, without the right of vote.

Following the Annual General Assembly, the duly elected Board of Directors chooses a Secretary who is not necessarily a member of the Board of Directors.
The Secretary:
      (1)   prepares the minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors and the Annual General Assembly;
      (2)   prepares documents for the Annual General Assembly;
      (3)    receives and archives all official documents of the Association;
      (4)   has custody of the minutes and all the records of the Association;
      (5)   assists the President in his or her functions.

The Treasurer:
      (1)   maintains a list of the names of all members in good standing of the Association;
      (2)   assumes the care and custody of the funds of the Association and books of account;
      (3)   deposits the funds of the Association in a financial institution as determined by the Board of Directors;
      (4)   provides an annual report to the Board of Directors and to the Annual General Assembly;
      (5)   signs the cheques issued in the name of the Association with the President;
      (6)   submits an annual report to the Financial Auditor for approval at the end of the fiscal year.

The other members of the Board of Directors (called Directors) participate in the different activities and committees of the Association and assist the President in his or her functions.

4.9   Functions of the Financial Auditor
The Financial Auditor is appointed by resolution of the Annual General Assembly for a term of one year, which is renewable.
The Financial Auditor should verify the financial statement of the Treasurer and submit a report to the General Assembly.



5.1   Purpose
Committees may be formed by the Board of Directors in order to facilitate the administration of the affairs of the Association.

5.2   Authority
Committees report to the Board of Directors.

5.3   Expenditures
A committee may not make expenditures on behalf of the Association without the prior written approval of the Board of Directors.

5.4   Reimbursement of expenses
Members of the Board of Directors and various committees are entitled to have their expenses reimbursed on presentation of supporting documents (for expenses which have been officially approved in advance).


Amendments to the Rules

6.1   Amendments to the Rules
These Rules may be amended as follows:
      (1)   A member who wishes to propose amendments to the Rules must first submit the proposal to the Board at least thirty (30) days before the Annual General Assembly;
      (2)   After reviewing the proposals, the Board submits its recommendations to the General Assembly;
      (3)   A two-thirds (2/3) vote at the General Assembly shall be required for approval of amendments to the Rules;
      (4)   The amended Rules come into force upon adoption by the General Assembly.


Dissolution of the Association

7.1   Dissolution
The Association may be dissolved by a resolution to that effect adopted by two-thirds (2/3) of members present at a special meeting called for that purpose and chaired by the outgoing President.
Once the debts of the Association have been paid, the members present decide on the manner that any remaining balance is to be disposed of.

Adopted on:    July 14, 2013
Amended on:

Monday, August 12, 2013

Stabilization of water level

At the Annual General Assembly of 2013, President Robert LeSage presented a plaque to Michael Lukyniuk in recognition of his work to stabilize the water level of Grand Lac Rond. This recognition was suggested by members at the meeting in July 2012.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Stabilization of water level

Report by Michael Lukyniuk at Annual Assembly, 2013

Last year, the provincial water agency – the Centre d’expertise hydrique du Québec – agreed to change the operation of the dam at Lac 31 Milles on a trial basis and to take measurements of the water levels on the Gatineau River, our lake, Petit Lac Rond (aka, Lac des Pères), and Lac Michel.  This was done after our Association presented persuasive data and arguments demonstrating that the stability of Grand Lac Rond was being compromised through the operation of the dam – in the spring and fall, discharges from the dam flood Grand Lac Rond; and in the summer, the retention of water by the dam results in the lake being drained by a creek into the Gatineau River.
The response of the CEHQ was very positive. Our Association also received encouraging messages from the President of the Association pour la protection du Lac des 31 Milles who supported our requests.
In 2012, we saw that the CEHQ stopped the spring discharge from the dam one month earlier – which may have been the reason why we were not flooded in April and May 2012. Throughout the summer of 2012, there was less precipitation than normal – and water levels were low but stable. The levels could have been lower but the CEHQ released a continuous flow of water from the dam. Normally, the CEHQ drops the water level on Lac 31 Milles in September to assist the spawning of lake trout there. Unfortunately, this has often resulted in flooding on Grand Lac Rond. In 2012, the CEHQ began the discharge gradually in mid-August so that there was no flooding on Grand Lac Rond. (The level only rose by 27 cm in 2012 versus 52 cm in 2011 and 59 cm in 2010!) Water levels were optimal in October 2012 due to discharge and precipitation, and dropped gradually over the rest of the year.
During the winter of 2012-13, there was no presence of red algae contrary to the case in 2011-12. We suspect that this was because water levels were higher and that there were healthy levels of oxygen in the water.
The spring of 2013 saw considerable flooding on Grand Lac Rond due to a lot of snowfall during the winter and heavy precipitation in the spring. This year, the CEHQ only stopped the spring discharge in mid-April because of dangerous water volumes. To the end of June, water levels were extremely high on Grand Lac Rond.
The CEHQ has confirmed that it is continuing to monitor water levels in our water basin and that it is still testing the operation of the dam. At the end of the year, it has promised to share a report on its findings with the Association’s Board of Directors.
The instability of water levels on Grand Lac Rond has been going on for decades to the detriment of the lake – the shoreline is threatened by erosion, the warming of low water levels encourages the growth of damaging aquatic plants and bacteria, and fluctuating levels pose hazards to boating and inconveniences to residents. While it is not possible to control precipitation, it is possible to manage man’s influence on the water basin.